E61 – Bonded Through Recovery: Ronnie and Amanda’s Love Story

Bonded Through Recovery: Ronnie and Amanda’s Love StoryIn this episode of the Prisoner’s Pardon Podcast, host Michi J welcomes Amanda and Ronnie Woodle, a remarkable couple who have conquered their struggles with drug addiction to become successful...

E60 – From Big Frank to Frank: A Journey of Redemption

Transformation and Redemption: Frank’s Journey from Incarceration to Empowering OthersIn this episode of the Prisoner’s Pardon podcast, host Michi J interviews Frank, a re-entry recruiter at Partners in Hope who was formerly incarcerated. Frank shares his...

End It For Good: Addressing Drugs and Addiction with Christina Dent

Understanding the Root Causes of the Drug Crisis: An Interview with Christina DentIn this episode of the Prisoner’s Pardon podcast, host Michi J welcomes Christina Dent, the founder of End It For Good, to discuss the misunderstood root causes of the drug and...