About Me
Michelle Jackson is the Founder of Kingdom Princess Pen, an organization that cultivates a Kingdom culture mindset – particularly within Christian women who struggle with understanding their true identity in Christ. Michelle knows the problems associated with this struggle only too well, having personally overcome obstacles from bad decisions to domestic abuse. She understands the fears and challenges facing women who are not yet strong in their faith.
Michelle is the mother of two adult children whom she raised single-handedly while obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Training and Organizational Development from DePaul University. Now, in her second failing marriage, she understands women who too often make the wrong decisions in their search for love. Her goal? Conveying that there is no substitute for Christ.
Michelle hosts A Prisoner’s Pardon Podcast under her radio handle name Michi J (short for Michelle Jackson). She writes under pen name C.C.Skye to signify that the sky is the limit as her pen flies across the pages. It’s her God-given dream to free people from mental, spiritual and physical prisons and restore them to their true position in Christ: from “Prison to Palace.”
Spurred on by her twin brother’s repeat offenses, Michelle set out to find a cure for an ailment which she found was also her own. She now humbly calls it her “twin sin.” Acknowledging her own rebellion and the condemnation it deserves, she finds the only answer is a pardon. Her book A Prisoner’s Pardon delves deeply into the issue of prison reform as an answer to recidivism, because it’s both a legal and a spiritual problem which only the Word of God can address.
As the host of the weekly podcast Prisoner’s Pardon, she delves even more deeply into these issues, focusing on how EVERYONE needs to have firm noncompromising fundamental values in order to avoid being in a mental, spiritual or a physical prison. She wants to save everyone from that condition and understands one has to not just be in the right condition, but also must be in the right position as well in order to accomplish this. Her aim is to help people with both.
Her fiction and non-fiction writing explores, through storytelling, the parallel existence of physical and spiritual laws. Her favorite authors include Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Charles Spurgeon, C.S. Lewis, A.W. Tozer, Dr. Tony Evans, Erwin Raphael McManus, and Kitty Foth-Regner.
Michelle’s voice telegraphs her love and excitement for Christ and His coming Kingdom. Her books, blogs, podcast, public speaking venues and products are designed to help women overcome fear, combat victimhood, and achieve the dreams the Lord has promised His disciples. Her objective is to proclaim and cultivate a “Thy Kingdom Come” mindset, glorifying Christ rather than self.
“Are we casting abroad good, sound gospel writings? Luther once said, “The devil hates goose quills” and, doubtless, he has good reason, for ready writers, by the Holy Spirit’s blessing, have done his kingdom much damage.”
– Charles Spurgeon

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