C.C. Skye

Finally, praying to God for answers, Simone was directed to the Old Testament book of Genesis and the case of Joseph, imprisoned falsely by Potiphar in ancient Egypt. Here, Joseph met the chief baker and chief butler and, with the Lord’s help, interpreted their dreams of their future. One was freed and restored, while the other was sentenced and executed. Both were guilty as charged, so why was one freed? The answer is a pardon.
A Prisoner’s Pardon
What sort of prison is holding you or a loved one captive? This book will help you find out, and lead you to the only solution.
This powerful memoir addresses the problem of recidivism in all our lives, whether or not we’re officially incarcerated by the justice system. In the process, it makes the case that a pardon from God is the only solution for us, in this life and for all eternity.
Using personal testimony, scripture, and current conditions in our culture, A Prisoner’s Pardon presents the inevitable truth that we will all be on trial one day – and explores how each individual’s verdict and sentence has been foreshadowed in the case of Joseph, the baker and the butler, as recorded in chapter 40 of the book of Genesis.
The Kingdom Princesses is a 12-book fiction series that takes you through the lives of 12 women who find out that they are princesses of the King of Kings. Each story is built around real women who experienced traumatic events such as domestic abuse and rape to having a learning disability. Nothing graphic will be written so will be suitable for younger readers.
Each princess’ story is different and it will be told with the added element of the spiritual world and how the scenes there may have been played. Nothing graphic will be written in the pages but what will be written is how the love of Christ and each princess growing love and devotion to her father the King saved each and every one of them.

Kingdom Princess Soldiers
Book One
The Unveiling
A Prisoner’s Pardon Podcast
An outgrowth of the memoir, this weekly podcast delves into the process of sanctification. This is the process through which God changes heart, mind, soul and spirit once we have:
- Received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
- Been granted His full pardon for our sin debt
- Embraced His free gift of eternal life
- Thereby become His saints, and His children.
Intimate fellowship with Christ is the objective, here on this earth and in the glorious world to come.
Of course, the war between good and evil is clearly raging, and Satan and his demons are pulling out all the stops to sabotage us. As His saints, we must stand and fight. And he has equipped us perfectly for battle: We have the authority, power and legal standing we need to win this spiritual war.
That’s the purpose of this podcast. With practical advice on just how to fight, it’s designed to alert and equip every saint to wage and win the war in his or her day-to-day life.

Embracing a Wonderful Life: Lessons from George Bailey
The Christmas season is in full swing, and with it comes the cherished tradition of watching classic holiday films. Movies like "Miracle on 31st Street" and "The Christmas Story" never fail to evoke the essence of the holidays. However, in today's culture, the true...
Beyond Bars: A Guide to Voting in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election
Welcome to the "Prisoners Pardon Podcast" blog, hosted by Michi J. This week is filled with anticipation as we approach the 2024 Presidential Election, which will take place tomorrow Tuesday, November 4th. Many of us are eagerly awaiting this moment to end. Regardless...
He Just Came Home
Title: Navigating Life After Incarceration: Jarvis Green's Journey to Change Introduction In a world that often overlooks the struggles of those reentering society after incarceration, it's crucial to lend an ear to their stories and experiences. In a heartfelt...