The Spirit of Weed

July 22, 2021

Michi J.

Everyone is seeking answers and each person looks for them in different places.

I have a young friend whom I recently talked to about weed. The conversation came up after the world-famous runner Sha’Carri Richardson got suspended from the Tokyo Olympic games due to testing positive for marijuana.

My friend thinks weed should be legalized due to it helping one perceive things better. In other words, people think clearer as they become calmer when smoking weed. Of course, he’s talking from personal experience.

I was impressed that he had given it some thought. I wasn’t though happy he was using weed to calm himself when things got difficult. It is no wonder many are becoming so attached to its use.

Listening to Sha’Carri’s reason for using marijuana and my young friends, I have a growing concern that its use will create a strong dependency. Not just a dependency but a strong dependency. A dependency that would make one no longer able to think for themselves, meaning under the influence. Under the influence of what? Unholy spirits are what in my opinion. This makes its use extremely dangerous because it leaves you open to their influences.

Looking for answers and just needing to calm oneself is a natural thing to want to do. It is just where you go for it that could be the problem.

The only safe place to seek answers and peace is from God. Young ones, I ask that you seek God for answers and the peace you surely need. He will lead you to perfect peace and to truth.

Kingdom Princess Pen

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