Have you ever heard of Black Privilege? If you have, do you agree or disagree? Well, this show may give you a different perspective. My guest, Pastor Robert Niefeldt talks about an article he wrote about what he feels to be black privilege. His article caused some ruckus because Pastor Niefeldt is white. “What does he know?” some thought. Well, during our chat, we talked about how he formed his opinion about black people having a certain privilege over most. I hope you take the time to listen to this episode and then form your own opinion about whether you think there’s such a thing as black privilege.


praise God for the black grandparents and their parents and the generations of black people who've passed down very specifically their faith in God. I can't tell you how many kids I talked to and they're like, Oh, my grandma's a minister. My grandpa's in the church. my uncle's a deacon. And so, there's just this godly heritage. Almost every African American grandma I know is usually a sweet old lady who loves Jesus. Now I'm not saying all of them, but the majority. And in white society, that's just not true. So there's this great heritage that Black people have preserved and have passed down. If white people have passed down economics, Black people have passed down spirituality, and that's something to be proud of, something to celebrate, and really gives them an advantage. If white people have passed down economics, Black people have passed down spirituality, and that's an advantage.

Microphone (2- AT2005USB):

That is our upcoming episode called black privilege Make sure you tune in now to tell you about what's coming up This weekend in Milwaukee, it's called Doors Open, and it's the 2023 venue, and it's presented by Historic Milwaukee. Now doors Open Milwaukee was started in 2011. It's a two day public celebration of Milwaukee's art, architecture, culture, and history. It offers Behind the scene tours of more than a hundred and sixty buildings throughout Milwaukee's downtown and diverse neighborhoods. The Doors Open event has continued to raise awareness about the local architecture and history through its volunteer led walking tours. And guess what? One of the open door. venues that's open is the police training center. The police training center located at 6680 North Titania. Now the tours start at 10 a. m. and the last tour stops at 2 p. m. This will be a great venue for you to tour. it happens every hour. It starts at 10 a. m. and the last tour is at 2 p. m. You'll be given refreshments, presentations, and more. Some of the presentations will be on traffic stops and defense and arrest tactics. This will be a great venue for you to really engage with our local police. If you want to learn more about what doors are being opened, just go to historic Milwaukee. org and it'll tell you all the buildings that will be open. Don't miss the event. It's some great sites to see. Thank you for listening take care and God bless.