
A Prisoner’s Pardon Podcast  EPISODE NOTES # 14  Date: August 9, 2021  Are you tired of hearing about COVID-19, masks, the Delta variant, and lock downs? Are you afraid or have anxiety due to the recent weather events, riots and protests? Are you just plain afraid due to all the changes and the uncertainness of the future?    TITLE: The importance of Christian Contentment   Book:   The Power of...
Interview with Paul Silva, CLU, ChFC. Paul has worked in the financial industry for over 30 years. Now retired, Paul is a Life Coach, Mentor, and designer of the online program 3 Steps To Wholeness. Paul holds a BA in Philosophy from the University of New York and resides in the New York area. Paul...
Interview with Lloyd Portman. Lloyd is a Prophetic Poet from Christchurch New Zealand. For over 12 years, Lloyd pastored a church as well as worked in the mines of Australia, and farmed. Now, Lloyd is Coaching and Writing. Lloyd has written a poem that’s to be featured in A Prisoner’s Pardon book which speaks on...
PODCAST EPISODE NOTES # 11  TITLE: Relying on Holy Spirit to Guide you    Main Point – The Holy Spirit is here specially to help saints complete their mission here on earth. Without him, we will be distracted and eventually bound up in this world’s distractions.      Point 1:  Daily cultivate your relationship by reading the word, being active in bible study and other church services.  Point 2:  Regularly set aside time to get...
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PODCAST EPISODE NOTES # 9  TITLE: Choose Friends Wisely    Main Point – Wrong friends can get you locked up.  Main Verse(s):  The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.  ~ Proverbs 12:26  Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that...
Quick recap on why show was started. Inspired by my upcoming book Prisoner’s Pardon. Book due out this Fall. We recognize the need for prison reform in the physical sense and understand men and women are locked up due to the breakdown of the family. Specifically, the missing father who is the leader of the...
Window of Opportunity  I’ve been seeing this a lot lately in my own life as well as in others.     When one is in a spiritual prison or even physical one, they miss these windows of opportunities.    What is a window of opportunity?  A window of opportunity is a short, often fleeting time period during which a rare and...
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