Understanding the High Cost of Recovery: A Different Perspective

In this episode of the podcast ‘Prisoner’s Part,’ host Michi J explores the challenges individuals face when transitioning from jail or addiction to recovery, discussing why some may find it easier to revert to old habits. Drawing from a devotional article titled ‘The High Cost of Healing,’ the episode delves into the questions posed by Jesus in the biblical scripture, emphasizing the multifaceted demands of recovery, including taking responsibility, hard work, humility, and relationship adjustments. It also highlights the emotional and spiritual support needed, stressing the importance of building a strong relationship with the Lord. The episode aims to foster understanding and offer guidance to those on the path of recovery, inquiring whether they truly want to be made well and encouraging them to think about both the costs and benefits of healing.

00:00 Introduction and Host Welcome

00:26 Understanding the Struggles of Recovery

01:19 The High Cost of Healing

02:41 The Requirements of Recovery

06:10 Reflecting on the Costs

07:47 The Benefits of Recovery

08:23 Seeking Help and Spiritual Guidance

09:57 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


Hello everyone. And welcome to a prisoner's part in podcast. Um, Meechie, Jay, your host. Have you talked to anyone who's gotten out of jail recently or who is going through recovery? Have you ever heard them say is just too hard out here. Bill's are high. I can't pay them. I can get along with my family. I can't find a job. Uh, everything is just too difficult for me to handle out here. I can't make it. It's easier for me just to go back to jail. Or just to do drugs. Have you ever heard anyone say that to you? I know I have, and I know many of you have as well, but did we understand what we were hearing? I know I didn't until. I read an article in one of my devotional readings. That's when all the dots started to connect, it was titled the high cost of healing. This really piqued my interest because we had just covered recovery in my last two episodes. I want to share. What I found. So we won't be doing an interview. We're just going to be doing a chat. On this because this is something we all should take into account when thinking about recovery. The article starts out with a communication that Jesus had with Elaine man who was trying to get healed. You can actually check this out in. John chapter five or six in scripture. Jesus ax. Do you want to be made? Well, Don't you think that was an odd question? I thought it was really odd. I'm like, why would Jesus act something like that? But again, we're talking about Jesus. In his wisdom. He was actually asking the right question. Because he was considering the high cost of healing. He knew there was a lot more to healing than just a physical. There will be a total life change needed. And that's why he was asking the question. Now, this leads me to what are those high costs? One is. It will require involvement. This man can no longer hang out with his friends at the pool law day. Hm. Any of this sound familiar? Yeah. It will require time away from some of the people that the person likes to be around. Yeah, it would require that cost then. A lot of times. It could be someone very special to them. Too. It will require a person to assume responsibility. That means. He can no longer lay up all day and expect. People to give him money or handouts or just provide, or, you know, just being around the house and not doing anything. Yeah. That's going to be a change because if you're going through recovery, A person can be just used to sleep in all day. Uh, you won't be able to do that. So again, it would require a person to take on responsibility. Okay. Number three. It will require hard work. Yes. The person will be expected to hold a job. And this may be something for someone who. May not have had a job in a long time or someone who may not have worked at all. All of this is hard. I know when I'm on vacation at times, it's hard to go back to work. Let alone, if you have someone that's been off work for years. Whoa. That is hard. For. The person would have to have humility. Okay. They may need to start all over again. And a lot of people have a lot of pride in, they don't want to do that. They don't want to start at the bottom. The person may have to ask for help or just instruction. Yeah. That can be hard to a lot of people want to pretend that they know everything or just don't want people to know what they don't know. And that can hold a lot of people back that humility. And the last one here is. Five is relationship adjustments. Yes. That is going to be challenging too, because family members will be expecting things now from you that. They haven't gotten before. They've been waiting for a long time for you to help them out. They've been giving you money and loaning you money, or you don't just all always being at your Beck and call. Now the same family members are wanting you to be involved as a family member to participate, to help them in their knee. Yes. That is the expectations in a relationship is not just no longer one sided that. You'll be taken all the time. This time you have to be giving. And so the relationship. Yeah, these are some of the high costs. I just named five. So it was involvement, responsibility, hard work, humility. And relationships. Adjustments now that we recognize them. We can now better appreciate why recovery can be so hard. First off. If you remember my last episodes, we talked about how recovery and recovery. It's the grip. Addiction has a grip on you. And it's just hard to get out of you have that part. Now you have this other part, like if you get out of it, this is what you have to face. This is the requirements. Now. This isn't easy either. We can really appreciate now. Jesus' question. Do you want to be made? Well, So, if anyone is going through recovery, this is a question you should ask yourself. Do you want to be made? Well, Think about the costs when you answer. Because if you do, it will require you to do all these requirements. Which again is involvement, responsibility, hard work, humility. And relationships. Adjustments. It will require a total change of life. So you may need to sit back and think about it. And I can understand why. When people say, well, I just made up my mind. I was done. I think they started to take into account all these things. Now that we've provided a here on this show. Maybe we can get through recovery quicker. At least I hope so. Now. Looking at this, don't forget the benefits. Let's talk about those. You're going to have love. Peace. You're going to have forgiveness and patience. You're going to have joy and you're going to have. Uh, appreciation of life and what you're doing, you're going to look back and say it was well worth it. So also think about these things where you question, if you're really wanting this, do you really want to be made well, now. You don't have to go through this alone. You need help. Everyone needs help. You can't do it. Along, you have to reach out. Remember it's humility. You got to ask for help. Remember, it's also a spiritual aspect of this. We are all human, but. In our humanist, we do have a spirit, so that has to be addressed as well. With that in mind. I like how Rob. My last couple episodes ago. Go back in, listen to that. If he didn't hear it. How he looked to to God. To help him. Now being a spirit, he can be with you all the time and you need someone with you all the time because it's when you're by yourself. And you need that strength and you need him to guide you through this. This is the only way that you can actually overcome these obstacles now that you know, and you recognize the high cost, you still need that power to get through it. That's why relationships are so important And the number one relationship we should be acquiring is with the lord because he is the one That is the foundation of all relationships. He sets the standards like we saw here In scripture, he knew exactly what to ask, so he knew exactly what was going on and he questioned him. Well, I hope you enjoyed today's episode talking about the high cost of healing I thank you for listening, and may you have a week filled with blessings.