Voices of the Victimized: Monica Monet’s Story

In this harrowing episode, host Michi J of ‘A Prisoner’s Pardon’ podcast interviews Monica Monet, who opens up about her life as a victim of trafficking and prostitution. Monica shares heart-wrenching stories of being passed around as a child, facing severe abuse, and how she ended up in the life of prostitution. The discussion covers her personal experiences, the complexities of sex trafficking, and the psychological impact of such trauma. Monica also talks about her path to healing, self-love, and her plans to write a book about her life story. This episode aims to shed light on the often overlooked perspective of victims in the context of prison reform and the need for a comprehensive approach to reducing recidivism.

00:00 A Glimpse into the Harsh Realities of Trafficking

00:46 Introduction to the Podcast and Today’s Episode

03:23 Interview with Monica Monet: A Victim’s Story

03:31 Monica’s Early Life and Family Struggles

10:29 The Harsh World of Prostitution and Trafficking

21:06 Estimating Monthly Earnings from Prostitution

21:37 Government Involvement in Trafficking

22:12 The Reality of Trafficking

22:43 Impact on Victims

24:04 Parental Influence and Responsibility

29:25 Social Media’s Role in Trafficking

35:41 Current Endeavors and Future Plans

37:42 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

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traffic is, is to a whole different level I just seen the woman out there. She had a baby. And I simply seen the man. She was standing on the bridge. And I simply seen the man. He sit there and told her. He said, If you don't come home, them other kids gonna be sold. So she had to stand out there selling flowers and whatever else. And it's hot. I was out there when it was like 102 and the woman was standing out there with a baby on her, on her. So it just, traffic is, is to a whole different level Hello, and welcome to a prisoner's part in podcasts with me, your host, me TJ. Yes today, we have an awesome episode because today we're switching gears a little bit. I'm a be out in the field. So please excuse the sound is not as perfect as I would like it to be, but I will be improving on that. Today, we're going to be listening to the victim side. I know all the time we usually do with people on the other side, talking about if they've been incarcerated themselves. If they worked as though. A correctional officer, police officer, if they read in books that help people that spend incarcerated as well as their families. I believe victims do have a voice in our prison reform, which we should be listening to, but I don't really hear a lot from, so we're prisoners. Pardon? We want to hear from everyone because we believe everyone has a voice and should. Actually participate in the process of just strategizing ways on how to do prison reform, and how to lower recidivism. Today, I'm going to be interviewing. Monica Monet. She has been through a lot in her life. And has been a victim for most of it. So she's going to be talking about how she was. Molested a little bit, nothing graphics so we can have kids in, the room if you like. So it's nothing going to be graphic, and she's going to talk about some sex trafficking and just given us a really good insight into that world of prostitution. And how they live there and how she actually survived. And how she feels about people that actually. Have done this to her. So I know a lot of times people don't look at people that's in this sort of rural as victims, but I'm here to tell you that we should, when you hear the story, you understand why. So again, we're going to be talking about a sensitive subject. We're going to be talking about prostitution. And the sex trafficking world. We've been hearing so much about that lately. And this has given us this like a different perspective. I'm sure you're going to appreciate hearing this. So thank you again for listening again, please. Excuse the audio. I will be getting better at this. But thank you for taking the time to listen. Now let's jump into that interview.

Michi J:

welcome Monica Monet. Hi, well, um, Let me go back. Really, I was a victim of trafficking as coming into this world, um, being born and into this world of trafficking. Um, passed around. Um, my mom didn't raise me. My mom gave birth when I was born. I'm the oldest out of seven. Um, so I was passed around. Family, family, friend and family. Um, just growing up in life. So I really never had a stable home as far as I can remember. For My mom was into trafficking. That's the reason why she didn't raise, raise me. Um, my mom was a prostitute, which is put out there. Um, And that was her life. My mom got killed when I was 11 years old. And, um, I'm, you know, I'm the oldest out of seven. Um, I didn't know my mom like that. I seen my mom like that. Um, stuff like that. That kind of took a toll. So as we growing up, Like I said, and I've been tared in life as Bo as told I'm not gonna be nothing amount to nothing, but just like my mom. So it has stirred in me that I'm gonna be like my mom, which is, I felt like nothing. So when I grew up, you know, um, I jump off the four J 14 left home. Well, while I was saying, and because I wasn't being treated right, I was being um, favorite, I went through a lot of favoritism, um, judgmental. And when you raise it, and when you, I was really, let me say, I was raised in a house of Pentecostal. So people that was raised me was highly at the church. There was a pastor and pastor's wife. So it was like a lot of things, you know, I couldn't do, couldn't do this, couldn't do that. And this is what I was taught that I couldn't do in life, you know what I'm saying? And it was like, for me, judgmental, you know, so that's all that in life took toll. And then I went, I was passed around. I just didn't want to raise with them. I was passed around the family, family in life. You know what I'm saying? Um, living. So, me getting older, it's like, I left home, I started running away, I started getting what older means. You know, I didn't, wasn't told I was loved, so I thought that was love, of coming. Cause I never got shown love. I thought that was love. From mens 'cause I never knew what love was. Lemme um, um, interject here. Mm-Hmm. So did you know your father? No. Okay. So you, you dunno your father now? No, I had a man that, um, was, did things for me. Because he said he was messing with my mom and she told him she, he said he knew he wasn't my dad. You know, um, so that took a lot of me because I never had a father figure, well I had a father figure, figure somewhat in my life, have past times, but it wasn't like that. So this made me you know, um, so when it's this man, um, so let me ask you, so when you were saying You came in when you were, you were growing up. Mm-Hmm. You really was like, passed around. Yeah. So you almost were saying you were traffick, like you said. Yeah. From the beginning. Mm-Hmm. And even before you actually got physically, um, trafficked. Well, I could say my own auntie kind of sold me. Yeah. So I ain't trying to be funny. I, I, my auntie, you know, I was little girl. I, I. So to this day, I got someone on my Facebook. My cousin baby daddy sit there and said, he apologized. I don't hold grudges. I don't care if you have any lows. He still my Facebook friend, you know, I, I iga, but I didn't forget, you know what I'm saying? It's still there, you know, 'cause it's fair for me to tell my story, for me to be there to. To help others. You know what I'm saying? Because it's like, I, when I, my auntie is, I basically told her I was raped. Her friend's father raped me. She knew about it. Basically, she's like passed me on and basically was told that I was lying about stuff. I got broke up at eight years old by my cousin, five, I mean, six, eight, okay. We got to keep it kind of tame. You know, cause it's making me kids listening. So that's what you let me finish. So I'm getting to a point here. You, before you was physically trapped, you was first. In the mind, because they were calling you names and they were saying you just like my mom. Okay. It was just like her. Don't be like her. Was it negative? Negative. Okay. And then that led to actually the physical being trapped in self esteem and just going around with different family members. And then these instances started happening in the family where you had experienced a lot of mental abuse, I would say, and um, emotional. Misty kids going to all three. So I just need to say I'm so sorry. So and now After leaving home, because of what was going on, it seemed like you were trapped. It felt like I didn't have a home. It felt like I didn't have, I didn't have a home, I didn't have love, I didn't have no family. Because family, didn't nobody hurt me. Family showed me dishonor. No loyalty, no love, before I even got out there in the streets and to have friends. So I always had a trust issue. People hate, you know, um, and trust within myself because it took me a minute to kind of love myself or I'm pretty. It took me to be in my thirties to say in my late thirties that I'm beautiful. I'm pretty because I was that hot down above me. You ain't nothing. You're just like your mom. So I'm like, Was my mom pretty? Was my mom beautiful? Because that's what I hear, you know, basically. Yeah. Yeah. That was not something that should happen to anybody. No kids. Nobody should be doing that, so if, uh, audience, if you hear anybody saying things like that to anybody, please, respectfully, stop them in their tracks and tell them you, you shouldn't be talking that way because you can lead this person down the wrong path. It happens all the time. Monica, so tell us about You actually getting traffic? How did you get into that? What happened that you got? I started dancing, um, and the money, and most females, y'all can sit there and say, y'all make doing all that. You prostitute yourself in the clubs too. Let's be real. Starts off in the club sometimes because God's going to give you extra money to go in the back, do extra things. You know what I'm saying? For me, I left, when I don't leave the club, I started going, started having to come to my hotel room, or you know, wherever I'm staying or whatever, or meeting up with me, or I leave it there from the club. So that's when it started, you know, then it started with Backpage. Um, this and this and this, I started with that, doing that, you know. Back pages? Back pages, online, where you're getting, you're, tricks, you know what I'm saying? Men's, you know. It's an app or something? Yeah, it's an app. Where, you know, you should go online on the website, put your, put your little pictures, and um, post up little ads, and you know, like, post little ads like, you know, your prize or whatever. It's legal? Stuff like that. That's why they shut down Craigslist. But they was doing it up on there too. There's a lot of apps out here that people don't know. You know what I'm saying? As far as the trafficking, you know. Trafficking apps? Trafficking been going on for years. Trafficking apps? No, you say prostitution apps. Okay. But they like back page apps. Okay. Where they set up these different apps. Different apps that they set up, you know what I'm saying, for like friend This is one of them. A lot of people, they had the person and then you go up on there and then you say you wanna, you know, I'ma touch the stuff. Yeah, because a lot of females get killed up off there, remember? Oh, yeah, that's right. That's it. And um, so it's like me, it's I've been told I was gonna be it, you know, so I was introduced to sex at a young age So I was like, okay, whatever, you know, I didn't love myself You I didn't know my worth. I had like the money. I didn't have much of anything. Me growing up, I didn't have nothing. So I sent the money. The men sent me the money. They said they loved me. So that was basically where my mind was at. You know what I'm saying? Cause I didn't get it back in the days. I didn't have anything. You know, so I just basically, so I started from dancing to the strip club to going out there in the streets, prostituting myself. Having all, from, from casinos, bars. I have been on, on, on, on, um, corners, whatever, you know, um, to get my money. I have been, even though I didn't work in a strip club, I would go to strip clubs and get some men's up out of there, you know, or sit in the parking lot and get some men's. Um, casinos, like I said, whatever, that, you know, I know I can get some money to get. Um. So I'm going to interrupt you right quick. So just in case anybody in the audience is going to be saying, um, she's not a victim. You know, she's doing this on her own. But, you have to look at the big picture. It started young, where she was victimized. Then, And so she continued this victimhood. So whether she was actually participating, yeah, you can look at it like that. But you got to look at the big picture. Because this started young, and we must take responsibility for that. So again, if you're thinking that she's not a victim, I do not agree with you. She isn't. Okay, so, continue. Well, um, Basically, I just looked at it like I'm getting money. I'm getting something. I'm having things that I didn't have when I was growing up, um, in life. Um, I'm getting show love in life and it wasn't love because I didn't have that motherly love or that fatherly love. I got it from out there from other people or means. So when I started having kids, that's what taught me love. You know what I'm saying? Four A's. My keys. Um, so I had an incident here. What made me stop what I'm doing as far as what I was doing in my life. I had an incident, um, the way I was out there and, um, I didn't pray that day. I normally pray, you know, as God would cover me while I'm out there. You know what I was doing. You know I was going to do it anyway. So you knew that. You know, I've been going down. You were stopping. Yeah. Okay. Um, So I'm sitting there, you know, I'm out there and, um, half his men picked me up, you know what I'm saying, and got in a car with him. Um, some told me not to. Men took me. Um, basically he had me for a couple of hours. Raped me, beat me. First he asked me, um, you know what I'm saying? Um, basically, why I'm doing this? What's my purpose? And all I could see was my mom. All I could see was my mom, my grandkids, and my kids. So I asked them, I said, I'm doing this on my own. It's all I know. I've had jobs, I done had good jobs. Got an apprenticeship before. Been to college, got a PhD degree. But when your mind don't know right, it ain't gonna do right. You ain't got nobody leading you right, or showing you, showing you the way. It ain't gonna be right. I had negatives in my life. You wanted to be loved. You wanted to be loved, so I went out there for love. They wasn't loving me. They wasn't gonna be using me just to say anybody like that. My, my, I thought, And they was, you know, so basically the man had me for a couple of hours. He was telling me something wrong with the man, cause he was like, um, Can I be your, be your man? I'll get you a job, you know, and everything. I done had stuff like that done to me, but not like that. Not like that. All through my head, all I could say was, Jesus help me, Lord help me. Help me Lord, help me. That's all I did was pray. I cried out for hours and hours as he's beating me, raping me over and over again. Dear Lord. That man dropped me off. All I can do is say thank you, Jesus. I went to the hospital. They gave me all type of pills. I had tetanus on that. So I wouldn't have nothing. I had a rape kid done and everything. By the grace of God, they called him. Cause they found his body fluid hits up on me. I don't know if he's still in jail cause I couldn't go to court. It was, we had to go on, I had to go on the phones, like now it still hurts. So it was kind of, um, Oh, it was kind of fresh. When they had me going through court, I wasn't able to do it, you know. So he was, who was this guy? I didn't know him. I'm a prostitute. I didn't know him, but he didn't know me. So he was indeed someone that they were looking for? He killed four females. When I found out who he was, and when the people from the place came and told me to identify him, we were lined up. It was told, I'm not the only one. I'm not the only victim. By the grace of God, he killed four of them. Yes, that's the grace of God. So God got arrested for a reason. Yes. I've been asking what is my purpose with God? I know a lot of guys, but I gave up on God a long time ago. I really did. I really did, because I had to ask Him so many times, Why do you keep letting me go through this? Can't leave this world messed up. Going up messed up. He put me through a test, you know what I'm saying? But I know He put me here. So I can have a testimony because I'm not the only one. I can save lives. Tell us about some of the women you were with and I know you explained something that they were like family and tried to make a, you know, I had, I, I had more females being my family more than my own family was to me. But not for me. I lived with different, multiple, different races of females, different cultures, you know. I think you told me something, um, you would get together and you all would, like, have No, this, this wasn't this. That's, you call them wife in laws. What? We call them wife in laws. I have plenty of wife in laws. Wife a longs? Wife in laws. Wife in laws? Yeah. Oh, what's that? Wife in long? Yeah, what is that? That's just like, the E, hermits. What is that? That's just like, the E, hermits. You in a relationship with this man, she in a relationship with this man. These people are all young. You married to him, she married to him. That's the minimum. In this country? Yeah, you got, you cannot say something social wise. Remember that? Just like pimpin and whorin Yeah. Pimpin and prostitution. Tell you that. Some females, can I say this, some females, PIMS got females that work the job, good job. Really? And, and they taking money from them. And the women going? You got some married, yeah. You got some married, you got some PIMS married, and they got females that's out there. So when, so they're basically Some females don't care. They looking at it like they getting their money. You gotta look at it. Some females looking like I'm getting my money. I don't care if I'm gonna get my money. I got a house. I got a car. Some females in headache. I know some females that used to I know some females that used to work in a bank. Lawyers. Doctors. CNAs. And not get prostituted, okay? Ain't nothing effective on prostitutes. Just being real. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. My money. You, the money that they give every two weeks, you get one day or more. I was getting like that. I'm getting a couple stacks of better dancing off the pole. Depends on where you go. If you out there, you take this and you go to Vegas or anything. You, you know, you finna come up with 20, 000 or better. Something for owning a home or whatever. Cause they coming, they getting it. So how much money? They got their money. How much money have you, you know, just estimate how much money you made in a month. Just some small. If 000 a day or better. I have seen 20, 000 in my hand coming from one man. I have took road taxes from men. I have took foreign monies from them and didn't know it. And you take it to, uh, a place and they'll give you more for that, the more it said on that, the currency of the money. You know, um, This is a big enterprise thing. Yeah. Okay. But this been going on for a while, why do you think they can't shut it down? The government is in that. All of them is in there. All of them is up in there. You know, I'm, I'm gonna tell you like this. I done dated some celebrities. I done dated some, some, some in the office. A lot of them know that. Come on. Same as you see. You know, what, what's the name of that? The Oprah, not the Oprah, but um, President might be seeing somebody too. Y'all forgot, uh, what's her name? Melody Monroe had keys to the White House. Come on now. Should've told y'all something about that. Okay. Alright. You know, I mean, it's been going on for years. Yeah. Can't stop that. It's been going on since the 70s, the 60s. Okay, back in B. C., Jesus time. Yeah. You know, so it's been out there. Okay. You know, um, You And, some females, y'all gotta understand, Some females, they just, they does it because they never had a life. Some females see that money, they like, Man, I want that money. You know what I'm saying? It's not the life. It's not the life. It's not the life. About trafficking too though, do, is it, I don't know, I should have looked this up, and I can look it up later about the stats. Um, of course being trafficking, is it a lot of prostitutes being done that way? Just more of them, because I know they take, Kids off the street and go do this. Some kids don't be tucking a lot of these little girls hot. They just go out there, they see a man and they and, and, and, and, and they ain't got no male figure. So they look like this is a male figure. This male same I just said. So they look like this is love. They look like it's a father figure. This man show me some attention and, you know, Yeah, he, he, he supposed to be finessing your mind. I tell you what you gonna get, he gonna buy you the finest things. Cause you getting the finest, you getting the finest money too. You buying the finest things. So yes, he gonna dress you to impress. To go out there and get that money. And that club go out there in them streets. But you got some that had a good home, mom and father. That's just the life they wanted to live. Cause I done seen some that had a good life. They didn't want for nothing, but they out there. I don't, you know what? That's, you're absolutely right. I was not thinking about, I was at first thinking like they were just snatched and then it was against their will. You got something, don't get it twisted. You got something that does. You got parents that sell their kids. Same way, like I feel as though our kids, them mommas should be locked up too. You know, just be real. Yeah, I feel like y'all pushed them kids. Y'all knew this man, y'all knew this man sat here and there, that good young girl, Aaliyah. I love y'all. So come on, y'all should've knew not to sit there and introduce y'all daughter to this man. Same way, you know, like, come on. Y'all, y'all, y'all know it's out here so why push your daughters? Why have your daughters around these grown leads? Some of these men profit and deal with these women just to get what they want. Facts. Those are facts. When they say, oh, this is, this is my male friend, or they, you know, They uncles, and it ain't they uncles, you know what I'm saying, and they do it for them. I done seen that so many, so, so, so many times. A female growing up, and this man, I seen her grew up. So you're saying that we are overlooking Parents that are trying to do kids. You got parents, you got some parents that push their kids to do it. You got, um, kids that just do, do, do, do, do. You got some that just say they want to do it they self, they see the money. Got some, I'ma put it like this, when you don't love yourself, you don't have self love. When the devil break your mind and you let him rape it, you'll be out there in the streets. Either mentally messed up or messed up out there on the streets really messed up. Cause I done seen prostitutes out there really messed up on drugs. Some of them dope dating just to get a little hit every now and then and, and whatever. And some of them getting their money. So we got all type of women. Would you think, this is a question for you, if young people, young kids especially, are looking at, um, some stuff they shouldn't be watching, you know, like pornography and things like that, it can lead to trafficking, do you think? No. No? Okay, why not? It's out here. How can you hide things from them? I'm not saying they're hiding them. I said that they could lead to that. So it's them seeing No. You don't think so? No. Okay. Either way, it's there's something in their mind, or they just crunk to it. But, yeah, it's something in their minds, so I mean, they had to see it first. They didn't get to see it in their mind. And now, they're sexualized. Yeah. It depends on, I'm gonna say it like this. I talk to a lot of females as far as when their situation will matter. And my female said, why would I sit here and stay in the house with my mama when my uncle sleeping with me? So I come out here and get some money. I'm not getting no money from him. You don't know what went on in that home. See, back in the days, and it's still going on, um, what goes on in my house stays in my house. So a lot of kids couldn't say, oh, I'm being touched by such and such. Oh, you're not. So you had a lot of kids that was break and molested so they feel as though why should I I'm gonna get money I'm already like this, but that's no self esteem That's the devil working in your mind and say going out there whatever whatever instead of saying well get you some help mentally let go of that God if you deal with you got their religion and take your meds cuz God said don't be a student you need to take your meds cuz you don't need them and and and and work with yourself get some help some counseling Like I did, I have a psychiatrist, I have a counselor, I have medicine that I take. I know how to take it, because I know that's what's going to make me grow up, you know what I'm saying, a little more better. I used to say, oh, I don't, I used to judge myself and say, I'm not, I'm, I'm, I'm not human. Because I had to take meds because I had a problem. I was bringing this up because I've talked to a lot of people and I've seen it where, and I can, I honestly, I can see the connection, because if a person's too young to be watching something and they start being sexualized, and they're thinking that it's okay, and then if it's, They're being rewarded for it and then they're, it gets twisted and then in that case, they can easily be trafficked. But I keep agreeing with you, so this is where I'm getting at. So, um, just be very careful about what your kids are looking at. Um, especially, I won't even go there, about some of these, I would say parades that we see these kids at, shouldn't be there. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I know you ain't finna just put it out there. Y'all got these kids confused. You know what I'm saying? You get confused, whatever. I understand, cause when they had that hair, it kind of bothered me when I seen y'all having kids out there. And people, two bad kids and two women. I ain't trying to be funny. That should be in y'all house for childhood. Your kids shouldn't be seeing other people doing that. End of the day. Yes. Oh, there's, um. That, the odds of him being trafficked is higher now. So, um, anyway. Oh, it's, it's, it wasn't high, it's been high. The trafficking level's been high. It's been high, I'm just saying. The only thing that's really put it out was social media. Right. Social media really put a lot of, social media really put a lot of things out. When Facebook came out and this media thing, it really put a lot of things out, opened up a lot of eyes that a lot of people did not know was really going on. Right. Because a lot of people get to tell their story, like I'm sitting here. No, right, but also you're right. But I'm saying from the point of view that now the individual person is more at higher risk to be able to be trapped. Yeah, because they've been exposed. Yeah, but you're right. Two, we're seeing more of it because the social media, it was hidden, now it's being exposed. And it's being, not just exposed, it's being multiplied, because now they can get to it, whereas before, it was harder to get to, but now it's making it even more prevalent. My friend called me a couple months ago and said her niece, the police, came to her momma house. It said that her 13 year old niece was online with a pregnant woman. Half these kids shouldn't have phones. Y'all paying for iPhones for what? For your child to be sitting up there with John, Big Boop, and whatever it don't go. Who they, who on the other end of it? You shouldn't have certain printable items of your kids, what they not supposed to do and what they, what, what. Social media more know about y'all kids than y'all do. Put it like that. Well, you're right about that. Other people know about y'all kids as watching y'all kids more than y'all do. These kids, they activate their pages, cause I had one at the time. My kids are grown. At the time, I went through that. I went through something like that. If my grown, my friend and I call me and say, your daughter's never sitting up there on Facebook. Lil daughter, not They up there with the little hair brown, with the little booty shorts on sitting there. If you wouldn't have call me and told me your daughter's never on Facebook, I wouldn't even know that they had a Facebook page. My daughter's 14 years old the time my dad sent to her phone and I, I want her to have now. And that's how I found out. My daughter's on Facebook half naked and all the people that was her friends was grown men. It's a way you can monitor. It's something you can put on the phone where parents can monitor it. And they should be monitoring their kids. At a certain age, I wouldn't let a certain kid have a certain phone. There's phones out here where you can dial certain numbers. There's phones out here where you can put certain numbers up on there, a certain phone that you call for emergency, if you want to try that phone, you know, but Other than that, poor ass, these kids shouldn't be walking around with no phone. Half of them can't read a spell. There's too much pedophiles out here. You bad enough you can walk out here and might get picked up. They picking you up out here on the streets, that's for real. Um, so, you know, just watch your kids. Um, watch you around your kids. Sometimes the family, family, why some of these family members, you don't even know where your family is, when you find plenty of stuff in your kids head and touching them, relaxing them. Some of these kids ain't going to say nothing. They not. They not. Why? I done seen kids like that, ain't going to say nothing. Because the simple fact, they feel as though, I had a child that told me, said, I didn't want to say nothing because that person said it's going to kill my family. It's because my mom and dad, it's the same thing. You don't know what's in that kid's mind when that man tellin them that. We got some armed shootings around here too. We got women's days around here molesting girls, I mean boys too. So it's vice versa. Yeah. In all fairness, yeah. Vice versa. So we just can't say Cause I done seen trainees out here. I done seen men out here prostituting themselves too as well. And they ain't even got dressed like a man. They pronounce themselves as a man. So you got some prostituting males out here too as well. You know what? It's interesting because we have laws. If you saw a couple episodes away, I had interviewed Mitch Topeka, and he has a sex case, uh, where he, he was, uh, 18 15, and he's on, um, the registry now. But, Don't you think being trafficked, a trafficker should have something similar? I mean, this is a question for the audience. We'll get back to that later, but it's making me think. You know, it's a sex case, so why are they registered? I hope we need to look at that and maybe look at some laws maybe. To probably have that on the books because this is so prevalent, but I don't know. Trafficking is on me. My trafficking is, when you got to a certain age and you grown, you did that on your own. Now, my thing is, when you a child and you a minor, now that's too, that's way too prominent. That's trafficking. When you at a certain age, you're not grown. That ain't grown for me. Put herself out there. She knew what was finna go. I'm just going to be real with you. And grandma put herself out there like I did when I got grown. Now, but what happened to me as a kid, that's what was on them adults. When you get a certain age and you become a grown woman or a grown man, that's when you take accountability of your life. You know that ain't right, but you still go out there and do it. So, when I got a certain age, yeah, I did it on my own. And a lot of people, they sit there and say, oh, she, you know, well, he trafficked me, baby. He didn't traffic you if you're a grown adult. Now, these kids, they cannot sit here and say, I'm trafficking not just only in prostitution. It's trafficking as far as the people, trafficking people, period. Right. They, they, they selling kids and they selling adults around here. That's interesting. You know what I'm saying? When I was in Houston, I seen Theta Houston. It's a lot of that going on. For real. With families,


I just seen the woman out there. She had a baby. And I simply seen the man. She was standing on the bridge. And I simply seen the man. He sit there and told her. He said, If you don't come home, them other kids gonna be sold. So she had to stand out there selling flowers and whatever else. And it's hot. I was out there when it was like 102 and the woman was standing out there with a baby on her, on her. So it just, traffic is, is to a whole different level.

Michi J:

When people said traffic. Cause people traffic with kids, adults, all of that. You know what I'm saying? From across the border and everything. You feel where I'm coming from? So, it's just more than that. Right. So, that's why you see a lot of movies out here. There's traffic and in certain places, countries, it's illegal. Yeah. So what, um, so what are you doing now? What I'm doing now? Tell us about Monica, Monet. What is Monica Monet doing now? Monet was, used to be my stripper name. Let's just break that down. Monet was my stripper name. So are you still stripping? No. Okay. I'm not doing anything at all. I'm working on myself. Finna start writing my book, working on my book. Um, Telling that story. Basically, telling my life story. My brother passed back here on Christmas Eve, and he said, so it's before he passed, you know, tell my story. So, it's, my story basically, it starts off with my mom, um, and her, her, what her life was for six, it's not going to be so much of her, but it's breaking it down to for people to understand how I got into their life and their feelings. And how my life, You know, from then on, it's coming to this earth as far as losing her and then me looking at life with respect. I don't, life and how life respect, it took me into how it respected me and how it done me. And as far as growing up. So, I'm not doing things, well I am as far as writing my book. Um, soon be trying to promote myself in my book. Um, basically getting Get Monica together, get myself together. I've been through a lot. Self love. Um, doing me for as not. Controlling me, because I had so much anger I didn't know I had. I had, I didn't love myself. So I couldn't love no one else. I have mental issues that I'm working with. So I have to work with myself before I can go out and work with other people. I'm glad to hear that you are going to be doing the book. And I can't wait for it to come out. I'm pretty sure a lot of people will be interested in it. So I think we'll see. You know, what to look for, what you, seeing it through your eyes. So now, their, your eyes also become their eyes, so they know what to do. So, again, This is a Christmas card podcast. we have never actually, interviewed a victim before like this. Everybody's a victim in some way, somehow, okay? Because victims make victims. Hurt people hurt people. We want to love everybody, but we want to be informed so that we can make a difference. Stop this. you have a peaceful existence as much as you can. So I brought up whether the legal system should look at traffickers the same way they look at a pedophiles. Make some stronger laws. And first Make it known, be clear what it is before we start, I would say start penalizing people. I'm a big fan of communication so that they do not, people are aware of these laws. You have it broadcasted all over schools, everywhere, if you get caught. caught trafficking young people because they cannot give consent at a certain age. But you're right. They can, even though their mind isn't up to part, they're still adults. So we can't just charge it that way, the way we can do with Children. please, think about this. We're going to have some sessions later where I can have a time when we can actually question Miss Monet, um, to get some insight and see if your kid's doing certain things. I'm sure she'll be able to answer like, Hey, this is, I've seen this before. Maybe you should look at this or that. So I'll let you know when that session is. That's going to be a live session. I will put an announcement out about that later, but, um, I just want to say, you know, we hear this all the time. You can't. You can't change, you can't make a, what, they say a hoe into a housewife. You know, you can't change a person's stripes. But I'm here to tell you Jesus Christ can because guess what? Jesus mother, grandmother I should say, was a prostitute and she was changed. So, Miss Romaine, you are changed and you can be changed. Don't let nobody ever put labels on you because God has broken all those chains and He died for you. He died for you just like He died for me, just like He died for all of you. So, I just want to say that so you can stay encouraged because this isn't the end. You got a lot of work to do because God saved you by grace. For some reason, because like she said, four other women are dead. And you're sitting here by the grace of God, you're saying, yes, it is something for me to do. And we look forward to you doing it. So we're wrapping up now. But um, is there anything else just quickly that you want to say to the audience? Um, about Monica, and right now we're in awe of you. We really thank you for being so transparent and having the courage to come up here and just speak about trafficking and being a victim and what's really going on is going on all over. And that means we are gonna have some big people go down for that. And they should. And they should. I'm going to say this because I'm glad that you said Mayfair because I was going to say something about that. But thank you for coming to me and to let me speak on my behalf of this. I appreciate that. You got a lot of these. Top people, like I said earlier, best into the traffic. Um, police officer, that's why so many females don't even want to go to them. Because I done had some, I had faith. You got some that'll sit there and say, I won't take you to jail if you, if you do these things. For me or whatever. It got to stop. It got to stop. But that's the reason why it's not going to stop because we got so many of them that's in it. You feel where I'm coming from? And it's coming from the top, the head top. That is, we know what I said earlier, it's been going on for years. And like any place, when we want to get something done, we do have to start at the top. And not the little people, we have to get the big people. So we're praying. Um, that guy does do that and ship things up because, and you can be a part of it. Um, if you haven't already, please join my subscriber list. Um, so you're aware of when different events are happening. Yeah. That's all. Um, it's not about that. This is about what you have to say. Not how you look. So, again, thank you all for being on the show, coming in and watching us. Um, sense of love, sense of encouragement. It's not easy, you know, trying to be out here, trying to do the work of the Lord but, our Lord, His grace is sufficient, thank you for listening, and may you have a week filled with blessings.